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General processing Shouban have common?
Source of articles:admin date:2019-04-11 Browse times:
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         Production of CNC Sample for verification of product design whether reasonable, whether the product complies with the requirements of use, it is possible to detect the products of the structure, appearance, function;In doing planks are required before a ready 3D models with design drawings, 3D drawings generally is the IGS, STP, PRT, XTL file, on the basis of the drawings is designed to be machined by means of a board,According to do boards have several common processing methods:
  3D printingLaser rapid prototyping is: SLA / SLS, may not be restricted by the shape, it is possible to print any complicated shape of the finger, the more complicated, which may embody the advantages of the technology of 3D printing, no matter how complex, can be printed out,It has the advantage of reducing the production cost and time cost.The manner is charged by weight, if a large volume of scaffold with 3D printing in such a way to do it.
  cnc machining: the process is very extensive, in addition to the soft type, other plastic and metal materials may be processed, and out of the machining precision can reach 0. 02 - 0. 10 mm;He is distinguished by a high speed, high strength, large - size machining, CNC machining of the shape may be limited, if it is too complicated, then the member needs to be removed. "
vacuum casting job: for small batch production, need to do first, before you go on to a silica gel mold, the silicone mold production cycle is short, cheap, easy to dominate the field, suitable for use in small hand - board model manufactureA silica gel mold can be made 10 - 15 by the right and left;re - use is likely to occur, deformation, shrinkage, etc., under vacuum conditions, the castable for defoaming, stirring, preheating, casting, and subjected to secondary curing in an oven,Silica gel mold of hand model can reach up to ABS functions.During the strength of the material quality and hardness.